My favorite peer projects for this round of quarterly projects would probably have to be the Kuiper Belt project, A Story of Woe, and Titan: Moon of Saturn projects. The Kuiper Belt project was very informative, I liked it a lot due to the information I actually learned from it. While some of the basic facts I already knew about, for example, that the belt is located between Mars and Jupiter (effectively acting as almost a boundry in between the rocky/terrestrial planets and the gaseous/Jovian giants). But I did not know that, if it hadn't been for the gravitational pull of Jupiter, that the Kuiper Belt would have become another planet. I was also intrigued by the possibility of future mining operations on asteroids in the Kuiper Belt, very cool stuff. Another one of my favorites, the Titan: Moon of Saturn project, was also very intriguing to me- mostly due to the fact it could hold the possibility to have life. I, previously, had thought that moons were mostly made of rock and ice. Lacking actual oceans or liquid water, for of course, it's insanely cold when you are located that far away from the sun. But Titan has an ocean and tectonic plate activity, with a continent and atmosphere. One of my fascinations with space is the possibility of life out there in space. I was also intrigued by Nick's project of Europa, and I have seen the sci-fi film he referred to in his project (saw it on the plane ride to Turkey, I thought it was pretty cool for a B-rated movie, a little slow at first though) but thought it was unfair to talk about it extensively since it would be a repetition of what i've already stated about the Titan project. Finally, another one of my favorite projects was, A Story of Woe, by Kara (I believe that's how it's spelled) who took a very interesting approach to her project. While I personally did not agree too much with it, it was very original and interesting. It also informed there's such a thing as a bi-planetary orbit, never knew about that before. All around, good projects overall. Still wish I hadn't forgotten my credits and it pains me every-time I remember. :(
The "alien life" in Europa Report, the Sci-Fi movie Nick referenced in his project. It used bioluminescence (my previous project!) to lure the astronauts to their deaths.